When should you call during pregnancy?

We can usually answer your questions to a large extent during your check-up during the consultation hour. Complaints or problems can always arise in the interim that you would like to discuss.
During pregnancy, please contact us for the following reasons:
  • In case of vaginal bleeding
  • Less child movements. Are you 26 or more weeks pregnant and do you feel your child moving less than you are used to? Look here for more information, 'Feeling life in the baby, what is normal?'
  • Are you more than 20 weeks pregnant and do you suffer from one or more of the following signs: headache, seeing stars, vomiting, feeling of a tight band around the head or upper abdomen, pain in the upper abdomen or between shoulder blades, sudden fluid retention in the face, hands or feet.
  • Contraction activity before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Increasing abdominal and/or back pain that comes and goes with a certain regularity.
  • In case of amniotic fluid loss before 37 weeks of pregnancy. When the membranes break, you notice that you suddenly lose vaginal fluid. It can be a splash of moisture, but you can also lose small amounts of moisture. Amniotic fluid is often clear and colorless. Sometimes it has a yellow, green or brown color. Try to collect some amniotic fluid so that we can assess the fluid you are losing.

You may have concerns, questions or doubts. Please contact us in any case.
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