First date

When you register with us to make a first appointment, we like it if you do this in time, at about 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. We then still have enough time to schedule suitable appointments for you. You do not need a referral from your GP for this. You can register digitally by filling in the registration form or make an appointment by phone.
We will then make an appointment for an introductory meeting and, if desired, for a vitality ultrasound. This ultrasound is made between 7-9 weeks of pregnancy. The introductory meeting will then take place when you are 8-10 weeks pregnant. Partners and any children are also very welcome.

Prior to the first check-up, we will send you (often by e-mail) a number of important brochures, which it is good to read before the first appointment.

The first check is more extensive than the follow-up checks. The appointment takes approximately 45 minutes. During this check-up, all kinds of questions will be asked to get a good picture of your health. This is important for us, in order to be able to assess whether we can expect problems during the pregnancy, delivery or maternity period. It concerns questions about your health, the health of your partner, illnesses that run in the family and about any previous pregnancies and deliveries. We also measure your blood pressure and weight. If there are things that you think are important for us to know, but we don't ask about them, please let us know.
During the first check-up, we don't listen to the baby's heart yet because it's too early for that. We can normally hear the heart of an unborn baby around 11 weeks of pregnancy.

If desired, we will provide you with information about screening for Down, Edwards and Patau syndrome at your first appointment. If you are considering this, we advise you to read the further information. You can find this in the folder you receive from us when you register and on the website During the appointment we can provide more explanation and answer any questions. If you choose to have an NIPT or a combination test performed, we will provide a referral.
The combination test is not reimbursed by all insurance companies. If you do not have a medical indication, you may have to pay the bill for this examination yourself. The costs for this are approximately € 168. If you do not have a medical indication, the NIPT is not reimbursed by the insurance. The costs for this are € 175,-.

At the first appointment you will also receive an application form to have blood drawn. Blood samples are taken by Diagnostics Voor U. If you opt for a combination test or NIPT, the blood sample will be taken at one of the main locations of Diagnostics For U. If you do not opt for a combination test or NIPT, the blood can be taken at one of the sampling stations of Diagnostics for you near you. For a prikpost and corresponding times near you see

Blood sampling is done for every pregnant woman in the Netherlands and is known as general pregnancy screening. Blood is taken from the pregnant woman to investigate:
  • Blood group, Rhesus-D factor and Rhesus-c factor
  • Irregular antibodies
  • Hemoglobin level (iron level)
  • glucose (blood sugar)
  • Hepatitis B (liver disease)
  • Lues (sexually transmitted disease)
  • HIV (AIDS test)
These diseases are monitored because timely treatment of these conditions can prevent transmission to the baby.
If you object to one of these tests, please let us know before having your blood tested.
If you have to deal with young children professionally, there is an opportunity to test whether you are protected against various childhood diseases. These blood tests may not be reimbursed by your health insurance company.
All information and results will be recorded on your pregnancy card, which you will receive at the second check-up. You are supposed to bring this card with you every time you check.
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